BMW 차량들 중에서 아이팟 인터페이스를 지원하지 않는 차량들이 상당량 존재한다.

이런 차량들 중에는 아래에 같은 CIC(차량 인포메이션 컴퓨터)가 장착되어 있는 경우가 있다.

이 경우 아이팟 인터페이스가 가능할 것으로 보인다. 방법은 아래와 같다.

아이팟을 지원하는 USB port가 없어서 사용을 못하시는 분들에게 이게 희소식이 될 수 있을지는 모르겠습니다.

저도 해 보지는 않았기 때문에....된다 안된다 말씀드릴수 없지만...확률상 상당히 높다는 것만 알려드립니다.^^

우선 차량에 장착된 오디오(CIC)를 먼저 확인해야 합니다.

이미지를 클릭하시면 원본크기로 보실수 있습니다.

가까운 샵에 방문하셔서 오디오를 탈착한 이후에 후면을 확인하시면 됩니다.

2번에 해당되는 컨넥터가 있는지... 있다면 가능성은 아주 높습니다. ^^

확 인이 되었으면 일단 조립을 하시면 됩니다.

그리고, 가까운 BMW 서비스센터에 전화를 하셔서 프로그램 업그레이드 예약을 합니다.

업그레이드시 서비스센터의 컴퓨터와, 차량의 OBD-II 컨넥터를 연결하여 체크하여...기능들을 죽이고, 살리고 합니다.

이 기능중에 아이팟(ipod) 항목이 있습니다. 이항목을 활성화 해 달라

고 하십시요.

그럼 서비스직원은 아마도 에러가 발생된다고 안된다고 할겁니다. 그냥 에러발생해도 좋으니...활성화 해 달라고 하

시면 됩니다.

그리고 부품주문을 하십시요. USB 커넥터와 케이블..(꼭 순정을 사용하지 않아도 됩니다.)

관련 부품을 주문해서 수령을 했다면, 오디오를 다시 탈착하여, 2번항목에 연결하시고,

USB 스냅인어댑터와 베이스 플레트 또는 99000원짜리 Y-cable를 주문하셔서 연결하시면 됩니다.

이제 아이팟을 연결해 보시기 바랍니다.  아마도 짠~~~~뜨지 않을까요?(여기까지도 대표로 마루타 한분만....^^)

저에게 해당차량이 없어, 이렇게 확률로 말씀 드릴 수 밖에 없어서 아쉬움으로 남네요.

필요로 하시는분들이 있다면 해 보셨으면 합니다. 큰 돈 들어가는거 아니니...^^

이미지를 클릭하시면 원본크기로 보실수 있습니다.

이미지를 클릭하시면 원본크기로 보실수 있습니다.

이미지를 클릭하시면 원본크기로 보실수 있습니다.

이미지를 클릭하시면 원본크기로 보실수 있습니다.

이미지를 클릭하시면 원본크기로 보실수 있습니다.

이미지를 클릭하시면 원본크기로 보실수 있습니다.

이미지를 클릭하시면 원본크기로 보실수 있습니다.

DIY - M5 SMG Shift Knob Wiring Retrofit Kit
by a l l an
based on ironic's initial design

It's your car, not mine.

Thanks to ironic for creating ver 1.0 of this kit.


Total Kit Cost
$240 to $320 (incl shift knob, wiring parts, shift boot, and heat shrink tubing) plus your own time

Where to buy
Tischer BMW /
Not in any way affiliated with Tischer but the parts were bought from them.

Part #1 - M5 shift knob
Shift knob "buy" link (Tischer)
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Note: The knob on this picture has the E9x auto shift boot pre-sewn. The actual knob you'll be getting will have a different shift boot that you'll have to replace with your E9x boot.

Part #2 - Harness components
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Part #3 - Shift boot (either you use your existing or buy a new one)

Part #4 - Heat shrink tubing (optional)

1. Scissor or wire cutter
2. Wire stripper (for 20 and 16 AWG)
3. Hair dryer (if you will be using heat shrink tubing)
4. Electrical tape (if you won't be using heat shrink tubing)

A few fun hours


M5 shift knob pin assignments
1 = Zone Reverse (GND)
2 = Zone Neutral (GND)
3 = Zone Drive A/S (GND)
4 = Night Illumination (GND)
5 = Switched +12v for Night Illumination
6 = Switched/Constant +12v for zone lighting

Pin connections
M5 pin 1 -> White connector pin 2 (or 3 if you look at it as a 6-pin connector) (R)
M5 pin 2 -> White connector pin 3 (or 4 if you look at it as a 6-pin connector) (N)

M5 pin 3 -> Blue connector pin 4 (M/S)
M5 pin 6 -> Blue connector pin 5 (Zone illum)

M5 pin 4 -> Power connector pin 1 (Night illum - ground)
M5 pin 5 -> Power connector pin 2 (Night illum - +12V)

Name:  M5 SMG shift knob wiring sketch.jpg

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The wiring sketch is all you need really to build this kit. Here are a few guidelines/tips that can help you out.
  1. Assembly

    Assemble your wiring harness like below. The bushing contacts go to the socket housing and the pin contacts go to the pin terminal. There is no housing for the circular receptacles.

    I cut the cables with the following approx. lengths. These are longer than what's needed but you're better off being long than short.

    (4-pin) cables for the "white" male/female connectors - 6in
    (6-pin) cables for the "blue" male/female connectors - 8in
    (6-pin) cables for the shift knob connector - 10in
    (3-pin) male/female circular power cables - 10in

    Name:  assembly.jpg

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  2. Pin # designation

    Tip: Make sure you follow the orientation of the connectors as shown below when determining the pin #s.
    Name:  female connector.jpg

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    The 4-pin connector is the same 6-pin connector but the 1st and 6th slots are not used. I numbered pins 2-5 as 1-4.
    Name:  male connector 4-pin.jpg

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    Tip: It helps to tag-label the wires to avoid confusion and mistakes.

  3. Connecting the wires

    Tip: The dotted lines in the sketch represent the wires.

    Now connect the female connector wires to corresponding male wires.

    Tip: If you'll be using heat shrink tubing and wire jackets, insert the tubes/jackets to appropriate wires and spots before you connect/splice the wires.

    - pin #1 of the female "blue" connector joins with pin #1 of the male "blue" connector
    - pin #5 of the female "blue" connector joins with pin #5 of the male "blue" connector and pin #6 of the shift knob connector.

    Tip: Check your connections a few times to ensure you did it right.

    Now wrap the connection with electrical tape or heat shrink tubing (I prefer the latter). Use the hair dryer to shrink the tube.

  4. Completed wiring kit

    Your kit should look identical to this (probably minus the red/orange jackets).
    Name:  M5 SMG shift knob wiring harness.jpg

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    You'll see that I tag-labelled the green (power) wires as they don't have their own housing. I labelled the ground and +12V wires on both sides so I can identify them during the install.


Step 1 - Disconnect the stock shift knob wiring connections (blue, white and power connectors)

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Detached female stock connectors
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Step 2a - Connect the wiring kit female connectors to stock male connectors

Get your badass wiring kit and make these connections. The male/female pairs can only be hooked up one way so there is zero chance to mess up the orientation.

You'll here a "click" when the connectors snap and lock into place.

Tip: Be careful still inserting the connectors to avoid bending the male pins.
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Step 2b - Connect the wiring kit male connectors to stock female connectors
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Step 3 - Neatly tuck in the wires and install the M5 shift knob

Tip: Route your wires to the top of the center console so they don't get in the way of the shifter.
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Tip: Don't permanently close your center console yet as you still need to test the knob and gear functionality. I just can't wait to show you how awesome it looks right now.
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